Customer Testimonials

“I have found your visits to the surgery, to look after our COPD patients to be extremely beneficial, not only looking at QOF points but also reassuring that our COPD patients are being looked after by a specialty nurse and getting the right type of care and attention.


Communication between yourself and the clinical staff has been to a high level.


I would welcome this type of service anytime in the future.’’

— Ribina Shahin, Practice Manager, Burma Hills Surgery


‘‘I would like to say how impressed I am with the service you have provided to Brundall Medical Practice.

From the start you have liaised with the surgery, organising, and providing invaluable support. I would recommend this service to all GP surgeries as the Lung Health software is an excellent tool in providing a good basis to a COPD consultation.’’

— Practice Nurse, Brundall Medical Practice


‘‘Since the implementation of the Sleep Guided Consultation the department has been able to make more informed clinical decisions enabling us to provide effective clinical management and improved pathways through the sleep decision process.

The software has enabled us to replicate patient consultations regardless of the time it has been carried out, so no information or questions around patient’s health that may have an effect on the pathway or treatment has be missed.‘‘

— Matthew Thomas, RPSGT Sleep Lab Manager, Liverpool University Hospitals

“The LungHealth software has been of great benefit to our surgery and therefore our COPD patients, as at present we have no respiratory nurses . It has provided the reassurance that our patients are receiving the care they need at a time when they need it the most. It has provided valuable  input and support for our nursing staff.”

— Rosina Reader, Lawson Road Surgery

“Very easy to use and ensures you get a good history, which aids an accurate diagnosis and treatment plan. The benefits of the in depth assessment of the patient's current condition and  recommendations for appropriate treatment have been invaluable to us at this time.”

— Practice Nurse, NHS

The software brings to the fore and highlights groups of patients that require urgent or quicker follow up than others meaning patients are dealt with a timely just manner. It also provides a means of tracking the patients through their sleep lab journey and enables staff search and filter for groups of patients that may require attention. This is done through the management dashboard.

— Matthew Thomas, RPSGT Sleep Lab Manager