Primary Care Organisation (PCO) Cost Savings Calculator

How much can LungHealth save your practice?

(Default is average PCO population)
(Default is typical practice register size)

The probable first year savings from implementing the LungHealth software across your area are:

20% of patients on COPD registers will be shown not to have COPD
and thus no need for continued inhaler therapy.

Patients without COPD do not need follow up visits for COPD
Not offering one visit per year for these patients saves.

Referring the right patients for Pulmonary Rehab
Is a cost effective therapy as per NICE guideline - reference costs not available.


Ensuring optimised therapy to reduce admission rates
Adding inhaled steroid/long-acting bronchodilator combinations for appropriate patients.


Optimising therapy to use the GOLD recommended formulations
Rationailisation of inhaler's into fewer greener devices. NICE strongly endorses on the grounds of cost and patient convenience.


Total Potential Savings

Details correct as of 19th April 2021

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