
Dr Lisa Davies

Consultant Respiratory Physician

Lisa Davies trained in Oxford University and then worked as a junior doctor in the Midlands before spending two years working in Tanzania. She moved to Liverpool for her respiratory and general medical registrar training posts and has worked at Liverpool University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust as a consultant since 2001. 

There, she has held roles as clinical lead for COPD management in the Trust and clinical lead for the home oxygen service. She established and led and developed regional community integrated respiratory services for some years. She has always been actively involved in COPD research, with a particular interest in the clinical management of the disease and has published widely in peer reviewed journals as well as holding roles as Editor of Respiratory Medicine: COPD Update and Associate Editor of Respiratory Medicine. 

She is enthusiastic about and committed to medical education and is an Honorary Senior Lecturer at the University of Liverpool. She has held roles as the Royal College of Physicians Regional Advisor (Mersey), Regional Training Programme Director for Respiratory Medicine, Clinical Sub-Dean at the University of Liverpool School of Medicine and Director of Medical Education at Aintree Hospital. 

Throughout her career she has remained committed to developing and promoting both the care of patients with respiratory disease and respiratory medicine as a specialty. She has worked as Chair of British Thoracic Society (BTS) Specialty Workforce Committee and was Chair of the Board of BTS from 2016 to 2019.