No Smoking Day 13th March 2024


We've frequently heard the saying, "There's no time like the present."

However, when it concerns quitting smoking, there is no better time than: No Smoking Day 2024.
Held on 13th March this internationally acknowledged day signifies more than just a stance against smoking; it marks a significant stride towards a healthier, more joyful future for everyone.

The beauty of No Smoking Day lies in its inclusivity. It holds significance for all individuals, whether they’re contending with addiction, supporting loved ones on their quitting journey, or engaging in the global conversation surrounding the health and environmental effects of tobacco use.

Beyond a date, No Smoking Day embodies hope, guiding us away from tobacco addiction’s grip. Every stride, no matter how small, propels us closer to a smoke-free world.

The effects of smoking on the Lungs

Smoking is one of the biggest causes of death and illness in the UK. 

Every year around 76,000 people in the UK die from smoking, with many more living with debilitating smoking-related illnesses.[1] Smoking can cause lasting damage to the heart and lungs leading conditions such as:

  • Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)

  • Pneumonia

  • Coronary heart disease

  • Heart attack

Smoking may also exacerbate or extend the symptoms of respiratory conditions like asthma.

The benefits of quitting smoking

Quitting smoking offers numerous health benefits both to smokers themselves and those who are subject to secondhanded smoke, including:

·       Improved respiratory health

·       Reduced risk of cancer

·       Better cardiovascular health

·       Enhanced immune system

·       Improved sense of taste and smell.

·       Better overall health

·       Financial savings

·       Healthier lifestyle

Join us in supporting the advantages of not smoking and encouraging smokers to embrace a breath of fresh air and prioritise lung health!

For more information on how to quit for good go to:


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