Benefits of A Computer Guided Review In COPD

L. Davies, R.M. Angus, A. Trusdale, C. Hodgson, E. McKnight, M.G. Pearson. Am J Respir Crit Care Med 185;2012: A3731 

This study focused on the health economic benefits of implementing the LungHealth COPD guided consultation. 293 patients with a GP register-based diagnosis of COPD were selected from 16 GP practices and underwent review with the LungHealth COPD guided consultation with each consultation lasting no longer than 40 minutes. 

What did the study report?

Use of the COPD guided consultation carries significant health economic benefit. 

  • Following review with the software, 19% of the sample did actually not have a diagnosis of COPD based on spirometry. When extrapolated to a local population of 330,000, this would save £21,000 per annum due to this “misdiagnosed” group no longer needing any follow up reviews and a further £210,000 per annum when considering the cost savings of discontinued COPD medications.

  • When taking those remaining patients with a diagnosis of COPD, switching this group to more appropriate drugs following review with the software was found to save £413,000 per year through adopting more cost-efficient drug combination inhalers and a reduction in hospital admissions because of appropriate optimisation of therapy due to the implementation of the guided consultation.

Read the abstract here.


Modelled Heath Economic Benefits of A “Real Life” Computer Guided Review In COPD


Real Life use of a Computer-Guided Consultation in COPD